Friday, March 27, 2020

Chemistry Tutor Reviews - Who to Choose?

Chemistry Tutor Reviews - Who to Choose?You might have heard of chemistry tutor reviews but if you want to learn the secret, what are these review sites? They are just a helpful tool used by teachers to guide the students on how to succeed. Teachers also post their own experiences of their students. These teachers also post their results in online forums where other teachers and students could comment about their experiences.Reading the comments in online forums may lead you to know more about the good chemistry tutor. However, the best way to get the best of the online chemistry tutor reviews is to do a little research on the person you want to hire. Study his past experiences, and the opinions of others in order to choose the right one.There are plenty of websites where you can locate a reliable chemistry tutor. You can use any of these websites to find the right person who can help you a lot.The best part of these reviews is that they can be found very easily. If you have access t o internet, then you are sure to get hold of an online chemistry tutor. These reviews are one of the most important ways that people can find out the right person for them.Reading reviews about a chemistry tutor is much more effective than using the official web sites for hiring. By reading reviews, you can easily find out the mistakes that a person has done. There are many mistakes that will lead a student to failure.When you read chemistry tutor reviews, you will know how the person can be useful for your science class. Most of the time, the reviews that you find are biased in favor of a particular person. This is why you should avoid such sites.Reviews are very important because they can help you make a decision as to who can teach you well. If you want to get the best from your chemistry class, you need to choose the right person for your class.

Friday, March 6, 2020

How to Become a Russian Teacher

How to Become a Russian Teacher What Are the Prerequisites for Teaching Russian? ChaptersDo You Need to Be a Native Russian Speaker to Be a Teacher?What Qualifications Do You Need to Become a Russian Teacher?What to Expect on the PGCEWhere Can You Teach Russian?“Better to be slapped with the truth than kissed with a lie.” - Russian ProverbThe number of people learning how to speak Russian as a second language has increased in recent years.Would you like to be one of the people teaching them?If you want to teach in British primary schools or secondary schools, you need to get the necessary qualifications. That said, there are plenty of different ways to become a teacher.In this article, we'll be looking whether you need to be a native speaker, the qualifications you might need, what to expect on the PGCE, and where you can teach Russian. LavaRussian Teacher 5.00 (8) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LarisaRussian Teacher 5.00 (2) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors InaRussian Teacher 4.88 (8) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tuto rs IrynaRussian Teacher 5.00 (8) £12/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors EvgeniaRussian Teacher £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AnastassiaRussian Teacher 5.00 (2) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NikolaRussian Teacher 5.00 (4) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MargaritaRussian Teacher 5.00 (3) £18/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsDo You Need to Be a Native Russian Speaker to Be a Teacher?You don’t necessarily need to be a native speaker of Russian or any other language to teach it. While most people who teach English as a second language are native speakers, this is less common when it comes to teaching in an accredited language school. You don't necessarily need to have the linguistic proficiency of someone who speaks Russian as a native language and neither does Russian need to be your first language. However, you probably will need to be close to bilingual if you want to teach Russian as a foreign language.Confidence is k ey when you're a tutor. (Source: rawpixel)Brits can always decide to do a degree in a given language before they get their teaching qualifications.  Once you’ve got a degree in Russian, doing the PGCE is the next obvious step if you want to teach in schools in the UK.  Let’s get back to the topic at hand!A native speaker will have perfect pronunciation and an impressive knowledge of the culture and history of the language. However, that doesn’t mean they have the necessary teaching skills to teach their language effectively.  Sometimes cultural differences can be difficult to understand. Furthermore, the linguistic differences will be complicated for the students to understand whereas the teacher will see them as obvious.Of course, a Russian teacher from the UK will have to learn the language. In doing so, they’ll better understand the difficulties that a learner will come across as they learn the language.Language teachers are under a lot of pressure. After all, second lang uage acquisition is complicated and more than just translating English to Russian. You need to help students improve their literacy in a foreign language.  With so much to learn, teachers feel the need to be able to answer any question about Russian grammar or Russian vocabulary.But do they really need to know everything?An English teacher won’t have read every book in the English language.A history teacher won’t have been to every continent on the planet.A PE teacher won’t necessarily be a champion in every single sport.A maths teacher won’t have won the Fields MedalSo why should a Russian teacher have to know every single thing about the Russian language?Even a native speaker won’t know all of it.  A native English speaker knows around 20,000 words and university-educated people know around 40,000. However, we only regularly use around 5,000 words.  There are plenty of words that we don’t know.So why would a native Russian speaker make a better teacher than a Brit?It†™s important that a teacher be passionate about learning and use the right teaching approaches to effectively teach their students. Charlie Chaplin said: “That’s what all we are: amateurs. We don’t live long enough to be anything else.”We spend our entire lives learning. Why would it be any different for Russian teachers?Don’t be embarrassed about not knowing something or not having a perfect Russian accent like a native speaker. Keep improving and admit that you don’t know everything. You’ll feel much better for it.Look up for  Russian courses London  and check out the competition.What Qualifications Do You Need to Become a Russian Teacher?You might need some qualifications if you want to teach people about Russian culture, the Cyrillic alphabet, or the Russian language, right?It depends on the type of Russian teacher you want to be.If you want to become a lecturer, you'll need to go to university. (Source: TeroVesalainen)Private tutors don’t require any qualificati on in order to teach a language. That doesn’t mean that teaching private tutorials is easy. You’ll still need teaching skills if you want to become a good teacher and provide language instruction outside a traditional classroom.  There are language schools that don’t require their teachers to have a PGCE, for example. That said, you do need to be able to prove your teaching skills and language skills to work in one.On the other hand, if you want to teach the Russian language in primary schools, secondary schools, or universities, you’ll need some formal qualifications.  In theory, you can become a teacher without a Russian degree. You could always become a language teacher first and later add Russian to the languages that you teach.Check out what kind of  Russian lessons  are out there.If you want to teach in secondary schools, it’s very likely that you’re going to need a PGCE.  Since this is a postgraduate qualification, you’ll need at least 4 years of university stud y (often 5 years if you include a year abroad) under your belt.  This means that to teach Russian in a state school, you’ll need half a decade of study before you can start teaching officially.Similarly, if you want to teach Russian at university, you’ll also need a postgraduate qualification. This doesn't necessarily need to be a qualification for teachers but you will need to have a good understanding of teaching methods andWhat to Expect on the PGCEThe PGCE is about learning how to teach, not learning about what you’re going to teach. Of course, there’s a difference between teaching languages and teaching sciences. However, the PGCE is designed to make you an educator and focuses on methodology and pedagogy rather than the subject you teach.Becoming a Russian teacher will include a lot of studying. (Source: StockSnap)Just being able to speak Russian won’t be enough to teach it to secondary school students.  You’ll need to complete a PGCE, a demanding qualification tha t aims to prepare teachers for teaching in secondary school classrooms.  Since Russian isn’t a commonly taught language, you’ll probably need to consider another foreign language.You can’t just walk onto a PGCE course so you’ll have to prepare your application. This is where your other foreign languages will come in handy.  On the course, you’ll learn different teaching approaches and how to use them to effectively teach different students.Since the PGCE is a postgraduate qualification, it’s the equivalent to a master’s degree.  After you’ve got your PGCE, you’ll become a newly qualified teacher (NQT).  At this stage, you’ll start the induction programme.Where Can You Teach Russian?After spending time in Russia, would you like to teach the language?But where can you do it?There are Russian teachers everywhere and plenty of places where you can teach Russian. Let’s start with primary school and secondary school pupils. While Russian is still a very uncommon lang uage to learn in primary and secondary schools, it’s becoming more popular.You can't be scared if you want to teach a lesson to university students. (Source: Goodfreephotos_com)There’s an interest in learning Russian from a very young age.  If you prefer teaching older students, you could always teach university students. You can teach general language classes or specific classes on Russian grammar, Russian literature, or the Cyrillic alphabet.What better way to satisfy your passion for the language?However, if you don’t want to teach the national curriculum, there are other ways to teach. You could look at language schools and associations offering Russian language lessons for fun, professional training, or academic support to motivated students.  This is a way to share your passion for the language while enjoying a better dynamic with your students.If you want an even better teaching dynamic, you could choose to offer private Russian tutorials. You’d be freelance and get t o decide your rates, your timetable (in accordance with your students, of course), and how you teach.Superprof helps tutors find students and vice versa. As a Russian tutor, you just need to create your profile, list your experience, skills, and qualifications, where you are, and your rates.  Potential students can then get in touch to organise their first tutorial with you. You can also offer your first hour of tutoring for free in order to entice students and get an opportunity to outline what you do.There’s no commission for your lessons. Everything takes place between the student and the tutor. You can always pay to highlight your profile and get more offers.  Don’t forget you can always put up posters in local businesses, too!So are you ready to become a Russian tutor?

Goal Setting How to Set Goals for Going Back to School

Goal Setting How to Set Goals for Going Back to School The start of the new year brings an excellent opportunity to set new goals. Whilst many of us set goals regularly, we don't always think about the practice of setting goals effectively. We decided to take a look at the best ways you can set goals to ensure you can fulfil your goals successfully  this year!   Goal Setting It is important to start implementing goal setting at an early stage and as a parent, this could be a good time to reflect with your child on the previous year, and ask them what they have enjoyed or found difficult. This is an excellent way to encourage including your child's school curriculum into their goal setting and by doing so at an early stage in education helps encourage this behaviour. You can then try and agree some goals for the upcoming term! The Importance Benefits of Setting Goals Getting into the  practice of setting goals early encourages the opportunity for early wins. This can help to positively impact your child's self-belief by recognising their achievements through early life stages. This can also be applied outside of their education to help your child build their self confidence. There are many benefits of goal setting; providing motivation,   direction and focus your child.  These can then be applied children's decision making as helps build  purpose and for them take an active role in building their future. Steps to Successful Goal Setting There are several clear and simple ways to set your your students: Tailor a specific plan for each goal Make sure each goal is clear and measurable Stay on track by reflecting often on  each  goal Make revisions to the plan if you feel the are required Stay on track by reflecting often on each goal Celebrate small wins! Looking for more tips on getting prepped for the new school year? Top tutor Mark Maclaine has written a blog post with his  7 top tips  to make going back to school a little easier, from making an action plan to valuing student friendships!

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Airport English Tips for Check-In, Security, Customs and more

Airport English Tips for Check-In, Security, Customs and more Flying is a stressful experience at the best of times, especially at the holiday season when airports are particularly busy. However, flying is even more stressful if you cannot understand what is being said to you or what exactly it is you need to do to get on your flight. Here is a quick guide to airport English to help you out.English Airport Check-in Questions:May I see your passport and ticket please?What is the country of your final destination?What is your country of residence?How many pieces of luggage do you have to be checked-in?Do you have hand luggage?Did you pack your luggage yourself or did somebody help you?Did you, at any point, leave your baggage unattended (by itself)?Did anybody ask you to carry anything for them?(You might hear) Your luggage is over the permitted (allowed) weight, you will be required to pay a fine.Your luggage should be checked into the oversized (big or awkward) baggage section.What kind of seat would you like, window, aisle (by the corridor) or middle?Do you have any special eating requirements?We remind you that all mobile phones and laptops should be switched off during takeoff and landing.Thank you sir/madam, your gate number is __________.Your flight will be boarding at _____ am/pm.English Airport Security Questions:Can you put all personal belongings in the plastic container, please?Please remove your shoes and belt and place them in a separate container.You are not permitted to carry open food or drinks beyond this point.Excuse me, sir/madam, since you have set off the security alarm, we need to search you.Sorry sir but potentially dangerous items like knives and razors cannot be carried onto the plane. Can you please remove them from your hand luggage.Thank you for your co-operation, you can now proceed to your designated (given) gate.Airport Announcements in English:Flight _______ has been delayed. Please contact your carrier (airline) for further information.Flight _______ is now boarding at gate ______Can Mr/Ms/ Miss/Mrs ______ please report to desk ____ urgently.Flight _____ is now boarding. Would all passengers proceed to gate ____.Will Mr/Ms/Miss/Mrs please report to the nearest airport telephone.Some Things You Might Hear If Your Flight Has Been Cancelled Or OverbookedSorry sir but your flight has been canceled (due to technical problems on the plane/ unfavorable weather).You can report to your carrier to change your ticket or we can put you on standby for the next available seat on a flight to your destination.There will be a complimentary lunch for passengers in the dining area. Please ask a member of airline staff for your lunch ticket.We will shuttle passengers who live at a distance from the airport to an adjacent (nearby) hotel.The airline wishes to apologize for any inconvenience caused by the flight disruption.Sorry, but we have double booked your seat. Can we upgrade you to first class?Pre-boarding and boarding announcementsGood morning/afternoon passengers. This is the pre-boa rding announcement for flight ____ to ____.We are now inviting passengers with small children and any passengers requiring special assistance to come forward and begin boarding first.Please have your boarding pass and identification ready for boarding.We are now boarding seats _________. Will passengers with those seats only please come forward.This is the final boarding call for flight ___________. Would all remaining passengers for this flight please report to gate _____.This is the final boarding call for passengers ______ booked on flight ____ to _____. Would this passenger proceed to gate _____ immediately.Ok, now that the stressful part is over (well, hopefully) relax and enjoy your flight. Here is some classic seasonal music to help you unwind after all that: Wham’s Last Christmas.Sign up for: Skype English Lessons| Aulas de Inglês | Clases de Inglés por Skype LOIEnglish I know! But it is so funny! Marcin Stanowski Well, thats a really comprehensive list of questions! I was looking for something like that. I will just have to record audio for that or have some of my friends record that for my students! Last Christmas? Why? it should be banned!

Who can be a Maths tutor

Who can be a Maths tutor A whole plethora of skills add up to make a good Maths tutor. The subject is a mixture of analysis, logic, mental agility and basic arithmetic skill, all of which are abilities which can easily be honed in very different professions. Much has been said in recent months about an expected rise in teaching post applications as city workers lose their jobs due to the recession. This could free up an unexpected wealth of talent for private Maths tuition as city workers, especially those from the financial district, will have most of the necessary skill sets to teach Mathematics. They have strong analytical minds and are able to provide first hand experience of how theoretical problems can be applied practically. Similarly engineers, another group to have suffered in the recent downturn, can bring a strong sense of practical application to a tutoring role. Other careers that can easily convert into an aptitude for Maths tutoring include those which have a strong arithmetic element woven in. Such jobs include accountancy and actuarial work. Their experience of Applied Mathematics can be a great bonus in helping to engage and motivate students. Then there are those with previous experience in teaching the subject, lecturers, teachers and classroom assistants, who have a strong educative background in a school or university environment. The crossover of skills is high, yet the new challenges and opportunities that arise from taking on private tuition can be highly appealing to many.

5 Campus Resources You Shouldnt Miss - TutorNerds

5 Campus Resources You Shouldn’t Miss - TutorNerds Tips From a San Diego College Tutor: 5 Campus Resources You Shouldn’t Miss Tips From a San Diego College Tutor: 5 Campus Resources You Shouldn’t Miss Every college offers a ton of excellent campus resources. Unfortunately, many of them are underused. The transition from high school to college is challenging, and students generally rush from class to work or class to a party. Once it becomes a routine, its easy to forget about all the excellent things available outside the classroom. Things such as the Athletic Center, student transportation, the Career Center, the Academic Advising Center, and the Ombudsman are often brushed aside by busy students with busy schedules. However, these resources can make the college experience complete and can also make the post-collegiate experience easier and more productive give yourself an advantage with the help of a San Diego private college tutor from TutorNerds. 1 The Athletic Complex Many students think the Athletic Complex is reserved only for athletes. At most universities, this is not the case. Although the pool will be closed when the swim team is training and the weight room is reserved for the football team during practice, its usually available to all students at no extra cost during off times. Exercise is a great way to maintain physical health in general and reduce stress for busy students. Its also a great way to take a break during those multi-hour study sessions that will occur during midterms and finals week. Students are encouraged to take full advantage of their athletic complex to maintain health and happiness during their university experience (READ: Staying Focused At Community College). 2 Student Transportation Getting to campus is hard enough, and the majority of college students dont own a car but they may be walking and cycling more than they need to. Although exercise is good, rushing from class to class carrying heavy books may not be advantageous in climates with extreme weather. Many campuses offer a free trolley or bus that transports students from one part of campus to the other. Although there will be some wait time, students who want to get from their class to the student center two miles away, may find that a five-minute wait in line will get them there faster. On-campus transportation is rarely used but it can be a helpful way to navigate larger universities. 3 The Career Center Most students dont think about the Career Center until their senior year or even after graduation. In reality, its best to stop by the Career Center before committing to a major. Many students have an idea of what field or fields they might like to study but are unaware of the specifics. It’s important to know about potential salaries, the latest and greatest job search websites, what is expected during the application process for each field, how to create an online resume, and how to be resilient if the dream job situation doesnt work out right away. Every single college student should visit the Career Center at least once! 4 The Academic Advising Center Hopefully, students visit the Academic Advising Center here and there, but most students dont go as often as they should. Choosing classes to meet general education and major requirements is only the beginning of what the Academic Advising Center can provide. Their services can be used in conjunction with a Career Center and students can determine if they should add a minor, change their major, or even complete a double major. The Academic Advising Center will also help students determine if their GPA is on track for honors or undergraduate research opportunities that could lead them to graduate school. It’s recommended that students visit the Academic Advising Center at least once a semester (READ: 5 Signs You Need a College Math Tutor). 5 The Ombudsman Most students havent even heard of the Ombudsman, however they can provide an important resource if things on campus aren’t working out. The Ombudsman’s job is to provide conflict resolution and guidance between different academic departments, students and their peers, and students and their professors. Although students hope the Ombudsman’s services are not needed, its a good idea to know that theyre available, and where their office is located just in case things dont go as planned. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write.

Slowing Down in the Face of Challenge is the Key to this Students Academic Success

Slowing Down in the Face of Challenge is the Key to this Students Academic Success Slowing Down in the Face of Challenge is the Key to this Students Academic Success Gavin, 11-years-old, Math Level J, Reading Level K Gavin has an above-average appetite for challenge. On a daily basis, the 11-year old balances many extracurricular activities such as participating in both cello and piano lessons, competitive soccer, robotics club, and much more. Despite his busy schedule, Gavin makes it a point to make time to volunteer, both at the local soup kitchen as well as coaching LEGO Robotics at an underprivileged school. One of the reasons Gavin has the extra time to devote to outside activities is that he doesn’t have to worry about homework bogging him down. Because of his enrollment in Kumon’s Math and Reading Program, he is years ahead of grade level, which helps him complete homework in a pinch. “Kumon has helped me outside of the classroom by teaching me crucial skills such as being focused, time management, and using my time wisely, all of which have allowed me extra time to enjoy my passions,” said Gavin. “I stay motivated along the way by just slowing down and thinking, and I tell myself that if I stay with things, I will thank myself for persisting in the future.” Gavin’s parents enrolled him in the Kumon Math and Reading Program over four years ago. He started out learning simple multiplication and piecing together sentences and has now advanced to high school level math and analytical reading. Although Gavin has no shortage of accomplishments, he values the virtue of staying humble. In fact, when we asked him who his inspirations were, his true character and love for giving back came through. “My biggest inspirations are the humble of the wealthy, such as Bill Gates or Warren Buffet, who use their knowledge, resources, and power to give back to the community in a positive way.” It’s no surprise that Gavin was one of 56 students selected to attend Kumon’s 3rd Annual Student Conference this past July. The event, which took place in Chicago, Illinois, connected some of North America’s brightest Kumon Students to collaborate, network, and connect through critical thinking activities. We had a chance to chat with Gavin during the conference to learn more about the importance of Kumon in his life and his hopes for the future. What do you enjoy most about Kumon? What I enjoy most is the excitement of learning and mastering new math concepts and discovering new, enrapturing literature. How has Kumon helped you academically? Gavin shakes hands with Kumon North America President Mino Tanabe Kumon has helped me academically by teaching me accuracy, math concepts, and crucial reading skills that give me the baseline of education, therefore placing me much ahead of the average student. I especially loved when Kumon recommended books to read and showed me many fantastic books, such as Bridge to Terabithia and A Wrinkle in Time. What about outside of the classroom? Kumon has helped me by giving me a solid character foundation for time management, persistence, and grit. What do you want to be when you grow up? When I grow up, I would like to be either a movie director or a lawyer. What achievements are you most proud of? The achievement that Im most proud of is being able to balance all of my extracurricular activities (Cello, Piano, Chinese language lessons, soccer, and Kumon) and still be able to have free-time and advance in school. What advice would you give to kids just starting Kumon? My advice would be to always keep a steady pace and persist through hard times, and to never give up, as anything is possible if you give it your all. Kumon truly helped me in almost every way possible, and I would totally recommend it to anyone. How did you feel when you found out you were selected to attend the Student Conference? I felt super excited and amazed at my luck, knowing that this is an extraordinary once-in-a-life experience that rarely anyone gets to experience. Discover even more student success stories. You might also be interested in: Finding the motivation to continue learning during the summer can be a challenge. 13-year-old Kumon dual program completer shares advice on perseverance. Three-Time Spelling Bee Champion Always Welcomes a Challenge As Easy as Eating Cake: This Student Tackles Every Challenge that Comes His Way Increased Confidence has Inspired this Young Girl to Take on any Challenge Slowing Down in the Face of Challenge is the Key to this Students Academic Success Slowing Down in the Face of Challenge is the Key to this Students Academic Success Gavin, 11-years-old, Math Level J, Reading Level K Gavin has an above-average appetite for challenge. On a daily basis, the 11-year old balances many extracurricular activities such as participating in both cello and piano lessons, competitive soccer, robotics club, and much more. Despite his busy schedule, Gavin makes it a point to make time to volunteer, both at the local soup kitchen as well as coaching LEGO Robotics at an underprivileged school. One of the reasons Gavin has the extra time to devote to outside activities is that he doesn’t have to worry about homework bogging him down. Because of his enrollment in Kumon’s Math and Reading Program, he is years ahead of grade level, which helps him complete homework in a pinch. “Kumon has helped me outside of the classroom by teaching me crucial skills such as being focused, time management, and using my time wisely, all of which have allowed me extra time to enjoy my passions,” said Gavin. “I stay motivated along the way by just slowing down and thinking, and I tell myself that if I stay with things, I will thank myself for persisting in the future.” Gavin’s parents enrolled him in the Kumon Math and Reading Program over four years ago. He started out learning simple multiplication and piecing together sentences and has now advanced to high school level math and analytical reading. Although Gavin has no shortage of accomplishments, he values the virtue of staying humble. In fact, when we asked him who his inspirations were, his true character and love for giving back came through. “My biggest inspirations are the humble of the wealthy, such as Bill Gates or Warren Buffet, who use their knowledge, resources, and power to give back to the community in a positive way.” It’s no surprise that Gavin was one of 56 students selected to attend Kumon’s 3rd Annual Student Conference this past July. The event, which took place in Chicago, Illinois, connected some of North America’s brightest Kumon Students to collaborate, network, and connect through critical thinking activities. We had a chance to chat with Gavin during the conference to learn more about the importance of Kumon in his life and his hopes for the future. What do you enjoy most about Kumon? What I enjoy most is the excitement of learning and mastering new math concepts and discovering new, enrapturing literature. How has Kumon helped you academically? Gavin shakes hands with Kumon North America President Mino Tanabe Kumon has helped me academically by teaching me accuracy, math concepts, and crucial reading skills that give me the baseline of education, therefore placing me much ahead of the average student. I especially loved when Kumon recommended books to read and showed me many fantastic books, such as Bridge to Terabithia and A Wrinkle in Time. What about outside of the classroom? Kumon has helped me by giving me a solid character foundation for time management, persistence, and grit. What do you want to be when you grow up? When I grow up, I would like to be either a movie director or a lawyer. What achievements are you most proud of? The achievement that Im most proud of is being able to balance all of my extracurricular activities (Cello, Piano, Chinese language lessons, soccer, and Kumon) and still be able to have free-time and advance in school. What advice would you give to kids just starting Kumon? My advice would be to always keep a steady pace and persist through hard times, and to never give up, as anything is possible if you give it your all. Kumon truly helped me in almost every way possible, and I would totally recommend it to anyone. How did you feel when you found out you were selected to attend the Student Conference? I felt super excited and amazed at my luck, knowing that this is an extraordinary once-in-a-life experience that rarely anyone gets to experience. Discover even more student success stories. You might also be interested in: Finding the motivation to continue learning during the summer can be a challenge. 13-year-old Kumon dual program completer shares advice on perseverance. Three-Time Spelling Bee Champion Always Welcomes a Challenge As Easy as Eating Cake: This Student Tackles Every Challenge that Comes His Way Increased Confidence has Inspired this Young Girl to Take on any Challenge

6 Things To Do Just After Grad School by TutorNerds

6 Things To Do Just After Grad School by TutorNerds Tips from an Orange County Tutor: 6 Things to do Just After Grad School Tips from an Orange County Tutor: 6 Things to do Just After Grad School When students finish grad school, they go through a huge transition that often isnt recognized. Being a full-time student, often studying up to 60 hours per week, is very different from holding a standard 8 5 job. Most grad students dont have much of a work-life balance but rather spend the majority of their time in the lab or library. Although many will start a job almost right away, quite a few will need some time to search for a job in their field. Post-baccalaureate degrees are specialized after all, and it can take the time to find the perfect career fit. To adjust to a post-education routine, there are few things students can do just after grad school. 1. Get a transition job Recent grads in highly specialized fields may not be able to find a long-term position immediately. However, finances are always an issue for grad students, and its important to locate a transition job as soon as possible. Jobs that are in some way related to the students field of study will be more desirable as they can successfully beef up a resume. In many cases, the salary for these jobs isnt any higher than a standard part-time job, but it will help a recent grad get their foot in the door. 2. Focus on student loan payments As soon as a student has officially graduated their student loan payments come due. Its important to organize how these loans will be paid back and in what increments so that a recent graduate has enough money to make ends meet while focusing on a thorough career search. Some companies will help a student pay back their loans if they take a “hardship” position and some loans can be deferred for a short period.   Its important for students to calculate their loan payments into their budget when they are choosing a career and a place to live (5 Things to Consider if you are Applying to Graduate School). 3. Organize a long-term career search While most students will have to focus on finding a short-term job, they should also spend a fair amount of time organizing a long-term career search. Graduates considering working in academia or research will need to fill out extensive applications and gather numerous recommendations and references. Graduates working outside of academia will still have a substantial job hunt, but the specifics will vary from field to field. Its important to organize this sooner rather than later. 4. Find a work-life balance Most grad students study and research the majority of their waking hours. People can only do this for so long, so its important to resume a work-life balance after graduation. This means putting in a good eight hours working but also reconnecting with friends and family and simply enjoying some free time or a hobby. Successful employees will know how to relax and have a clear head for the work day that lies ahead (READ: What to do between undergrad and grad school) . 5. Maintain academic connections Although students will be leaving campus, its really important for them to maintain any academic connections they have made over the years. The network of professors, student colleagues, and teaching assistants are all valuable resources when it comes to job search and recommendation. Even if a student moved away for a career position, its important to keep in touch because they never know when those connections will be most valuable. 6. Be creative Specialized skills that come with a graduate degree are extremely helpful when a person finds the right career position. However, specialized jobs can be harder to find than ones that align to a broader set of skills. Recent grads are encouraged to be creative and think outside the box. Is there a position that they hadnt considered but might be great at? If they moved out of their area would they have a better chance of gainful employment? Many students have a specific idea of what their first professional job will be while theyre studying but after graduation, its important to be flexible especially when working on building a resume. Still trying to get into grad school? Our experienced Orange County private grad school admissions consultants are here to help! Call us today to learn more.

What Is En Charge Chemistry?

What Is En Charge Chemistry?The term, 'En charge Chemistry' is actually a very important one for all aspiring Chemistry students. En is in fact one of the key ingredients in all of the categories that are defined in chemistry. En is actually the constituent of the elements and the compounds that comprise them.In chemistry it is not possible to separate the different elements from each other. Every atom of an element is a molecule, which can be called on. It is used to refer to the elemental content of the entire element. Thus, the elements are classified into different groups such as the alkali-metal group, alkaline earth group, earth, carbonic-acid group, sulphuric-acid group and the halogen group.In order to understand the concept of an en, it is important to note that it refers to the three elementary states of matter, namely the first state, which is in the solid form, second state which is the liquid and the third state which are the gas. There are several types of en, which are commonly used in chemistry. Among these are the cation, anion.The cation has to be distinguished from the anion. In other words, in the former the opposite charges are attracted to each other, while in the latter the opposite charges are repelled. One example of this is sodium, where the cation is the positive and the anion is the negative. In the anion, two electrons are being involved. However, in the cation, only one electron is involved. When the anion is oxidized, it forms positively charged ions which get deposited in its immediate surroundings.Similarly, the anion is oxidized when the electrons of the cation are substituted by protons. When the anion gets oxidized, two protons will get absorbed from the oxygen molecules. However, as the protons get discharged, the protons, which were originally present in the anion, are also released. This is known as the cation plus ion, or the additional ion.The remaining charge of the cation is provided by the neutrons of the hydrogen ato ms. These electrons are usually responsible for dissociating the positive and negative protons and thus making the cation and the anion. Thus, the anion is the stronger and the heavier.It is important to know that the anion is a compound which has a charge plus. The whole concept of charge is quite complicated but an en should be clarified. One should always remember that a compound with any excess of the charge must have either a positive or a negative charge.